
Plantation Mansion™
 (copyright © 2012 by Towne Square America™)

You sit down for a minute and have a long, quiet mental conversation with yourself. You’ve gone this way and that way. You’ve even climbed a few trees to see if you could “scout out” anything ... that didn’t help at all. In fact, it made you feel even more hopelessly lost, because you could see just how vast and dense the trees are. There is a certain beauty to all of this, but you just want out on this balmy .

At points you look at this like an adventure. At other points YOU WANT OUT! There are moments of panic and then moments of calm.

It definitely is confusing and disorienting because of the enormous size of the Weeping Willows and Morton Bay Fig trees. The fact they have all grown together, along with their twisted, tangled, and huge roots sprawling on the ground all around you, makes it extremely difficult to determine which way to go next. The further you walk into the trees, the more you wonder if it is still , ... all of this is going on in your mind (that conversation you’re having with yourself) as you jump from root to root.

Your foot slips and you tumble to the ground that is covered in moss. Before you realize it, there are snails and other “slithering things” making pathways on your legs. You quickly jump up on to the roots and think about what to do next.

The option is always open to continue forward. But is forward really forward anymore?

You could “go back,” but is going back, going back?

There is always your left, but with all of your turning and now the tumble, is left really left?

The other option is right, if that truly is going right!

Time to decide ...