
Plantation Mansion™
 (copyright © 2012 by Towne Square America™)

The hallway leading to the main entry at the front of Plantation Mansion™ is much wider than most hallways in houses. But, then, this isn’t your “average house” either! The grand stairway that leads to the second floor is like nothing else you have ever seen. It, too, is wide ... extremely wide open at the bottom and then tapering as it leads upstairs. The wood is Oak as is it throughout the rest of the Mansion. just behind the stairway, on the side towards the back of the house is a door way.Mansion

You try the handle, but the door is locked. You pause for a minute. This must be a doorway to the basement. Just then you hear sounds from behind the door. Perhaps it is a furnace or just the Mansion creaking as “old” houses are prone to do. You wonder if the key you saw on the table in the Lanai Room would fit this lock.

Then the multitude of photographs and smaller paintings lining the hallway catch your eye. There aren’t many empty spots on the walls. The pattern of photographs and paintings is a sight to see. Many generations are represented in photos that range from faded browns and black & whites to crisp colors. Many of the paintings look like colorized photographs. In addition to people, horses populate many of the photos. And, many of the horses look to be racing horses. There is one horse (or line of horses) that catch your eye. It is a white colored horse that has such a grace and magnificence. It looks like it is the same horse in all of the photos, but that couldn’t be possible, because the photos obviously span several decades! Clearly the horse stable of Plantation Mansion™ has been an important part of its history.

 you “get lost” in the photographs and paintings. While you briefly consider going up the grand stairway, you know there is too much more to see here downstairs. The Lanai Room is at the back end of the hallway. The living room is just through the hallway. The study is to your left. And, there is always the front entry way to explore just on the other side of the grand stairway.

You think about going towards the Lanai Room.

Or, maybe you’ll go to the living room.

The study would definitely be interesting to “snooze around in!”

Of course, the front entry way looks intriguing.

Time to decide ...